Monday, January 3, 2011

A new year and new butterflies in my tummy.

It's New Years' Eve and like every year, while everyone is celebrating, I find myself feeling uneasy and not as celebratory. First, it's the end of the festive season and this is depressing (the festive season is the only semblance of a summer-holiday type carefree time for us working class people; because no one wants to work and everyone is out on vacation). Second, and more importantly (read 'more scary') it's the beginning of a new chance, with a supposedly clean slate. 

'Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right'-- Oprah (also borrowed from a friend's BLOG)

This makes me kind of anxious, because it means I have to make the effort to try to believe that everything could be new and nice for the following 365 days. 

The reality is, you'll still be broke if you're broke. Your grandpa will still be ill if he was ill. The government will still fuck you over--they always do. And all those other factors you can't change will still be the same-- whooping your arse every time you look away for even a second... I mean it is technically just one day after the last 365 days right? Not like you have a special date with a Genie on New Years' Eve who will grant you three of your most heartfelt desires/wishes.

What you can do is take control of your life and do things with a lot more determination and hardwork this year. This 'New Year' and 'new chances' thing, it's really just a made-up 'new slate'-- it's a switch in your mind that you can choose to turn on or off. It's still going to be you renegotiating the TNCs (Terms and Conditions) of your life with yourself and renewing your self-motivation deal with yourself. Nothing exciting about that. I could do that bang in the middle of the year in June or July instead of making mass resolutions with the rest of the world on 31st of December.

And renegotiating a new self-motivation deal with myself makes me nervous. I can be a pretty hard bargainer. Hence the butterflies in my tummy.

All that said, I've still gone ahead and made some resolutions:

-Travel once a month or once in 45 days at least, even if it's a weekend getaway. (If I'm lucky maybe a trip to Australia in Aug)
-Lose a LOT of weight (the precise amount is not to be revealed!) and be Fit.
-Pick up at least two more hobbies (preferred options: Sewing and Photography)
-Brush up on French and finish learning Spanish (even if that means making random Spanish and French friends and forcing them to talk to me!)
-Save money and stop being in an eternal state of BBB- Broke Beyond Broke (even if that means making major life decisions)
-Write write write. And write some more.

Ok, that's all. Let's hope I can get these done. I'll make other smaller mental notes as we get on with the year.

Please 2011, if you can, please bless me and my life and give me what it takes to shine :) Thanks in advance!


Anusuya said...

louuu it... u really sound like my head talking... amen to all points related to money and being broke... happy new year, babe!

Pragya Singh said...

Well well, just like every year, resolutions are made and forgotten. This year, hopefully, I will make time to post something on my blog....:)

Too much too little said...

Happy New year! And yes, more posts for me too hopefully!

Anonymous said...

lol nice article bro :D

Anonymous said...

happy new year :D

Too much too little said...

Lol! Not a bro, bro.

Hearing Aids said...
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Pamela Pornel said...

great article!
