Girlfriend 1's Comprehensive List of The Man:
Should have/be:
Family boy
LOVED and admired by friends and family and the entire world!
Slightly 'crack'- bad wanna be humour
From south India**
Hopelessly devoted
Decently well off-- Ambitious
Love watching movies
Want to travel the world with her
Could be a techhie that does not say maybe (collared tee MS from US type)
Older than her
Know how to drive
Want to be on Amazing Race**
Adventurous and innovative in bed
Be proud to be with her at all time and show her off sometimes
Must fuss and pamper
Be stronger than her
Should NOT have/be:
A waiter
NEVER EVER think of cheating or dream of it, or read it, or speak of it or see it or any other form of infidelity
EVER lie to her
Shorter than her
Be overpossessive
Fussy/ spoilt
** Conditions apply
Girlfriend 2's Comprehensive List of The Man:
Should Have/be:
Small (tiny) attitude problem
Decently well off- with prospects of getting richer in the future (ties in with ambitious)
Funny- makes her LOL, all the time
Hopelessly devoted
The same core values (For eg. Killing and stealing is wrong)
Never ever dream of being super religious or making me super religious
Want to travel the world with her
Love her more than the kids
Respect women
Super intelligent and be able to have long, serious, intelligent conversations
Proud to be with her at all time and show her off sometimes
Fuss and pamper
Stronger than her
Street smart**
Clean and hygenic
Should not have/be:
Too much of an attitude problem
A waiter
EVER think of cheating or dream of it, or read it, or speak of it, or see it, or any other form of infidelity
EVER suggest a bhurka
Lie to her
Cannot be short (5’7’’ minimum)
Expect her to be a family person
The emotional maturity of a cockroach
Insecure or jealous or over possessive
A/ many drooling exes in the picture
Fussy or spoilt (should be able to eat pani puri off the street)
Seek to dominate
Fuckall mother or family **
Too male- farting and burping in public can be grounds for divorce
** Conditions apply

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